This is Nepali comedy serial Dobate episode 120, which is comedy based serial broadcast from Himshikhar TV. In this episode it has presented comedy based on Dobate a leading character and his digital pregnant 'Sali'. How Dobate get treatment in Father in law house and how he reacts with Digital pregnancy to know watch full episode. Also Read: Police on Sunday arrested six persons, including a police constable, who broke into a jewellery workshop in Maruhiti, Kathmandu and robbed 64 tola gold worth Rs3.2 million. Flashing a pistol and handcuffs, the persons claiming to be police officers had taken six workers hostage before robbing the workshop. Police identified the arrestees as Ajay Gurung, 26, a serving police constable at Metropolitan Police Circle, Lainchaur; Subash Kharel, 22, of Kavre; Raj Kumar Tamang, 33, of Balaju; Dev Tamang, 21, of Kavre; Kshitiz Tamang, 19, of Lalitpur and Lapsang Lama, 28, of Kathmandu. According to the Metropolitan Police Crime Division, Teku, two police personnel including a head constable and a constable who were involved in planning the burglary are on the run. Senior Superintendent of Police Dinesh Amatya, chief of Crime Division, said the robbery was planned some two weeks earlier after an absconding person, Harka Tamang, informed Raj Kumar about the jewellery workshop. “The pistol and handcuffs were provided by constable Nabin Dhakal and head constable Bal Bahadur Magar,” said SSP Amatya. The burglars were arrested from a tea shop in Sorhakhutte, Kathmandu where they had planned to distribute the stolen gold. Police said all the stolen items had been recovered.
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